Installation de Minetest 0.4.15 + Raspberryjammod 0.20 + Blocky 201612 sous Raspberry Pi 4

Distribution de travail :

Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description:    Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Release:        8.0
Codename:       jessie

Liens :

I/ Installation de Minetest.

1/ Installation des paquets de développement.

pi@doomquake:~ $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core cmake libirrlicht-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev libgmp-dev libjsoncpp-dev libluajit-5.1-2 libluajit-5.1-dev  libncurses5-dev doxygen gettext-base libgettextpo-dev libopenal-dev libvorbis-dev gettext libleveldb-dev postgresql postgresql-server-dev

2/ Création du répertoire de travail.

pi@doomquake:~ $ mkdir -p JEUX/MINETEST.415
pi@doomquake:~ $ cd JEUX/MINETEST.415/
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ 

3/ Téléchargement du moteur Minetest.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ wget
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ mv 0.4.15.tar.gz minetest_0.4.15.tar.gz
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ tar xvfz minetest_0.4.15.tar.gz

4/ Téléchargement du jeu Minetest.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ wget
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ mv 0.4.15.tar.gz minetest_game_0.4.15.tar.gz
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ tar xvfz minetest_game_0.4.15.tar.gz
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ mv minetest-0.4.15 minetest
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ cd minetest

5/ Configuration de la compilation.


6/ Compilation.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest $ make -j2
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest $ cd games/
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/games $ 

7/ Installation du jeu Minetest.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/games $ ln -s ../../minetest_game_0.4.15 minetest_game
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/games $ cd ..

8/ Lancement du client Minetest.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest $ cd bin/
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/bin $ ./minetest

II/ Installation de RaspberryJamMod Minetest.

1/ Installation des paquets de développement LUA pour le réseau.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ sudo apt-get install lua-sec lua-socket lua-socket-dev

2/ Téléchargement du mod.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ wget
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ tar xvfz 0.20.tar.gz 

3/ Installation.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ cd minetest/mods/
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/mods $ 
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/mods $ ln -s ../../raspberryjammod-minetest-0.20/raspberryjammod
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/mods $ cd ..
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest $ 

4/ Configuration.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest $ cp games/minetest_game/minetest.conf.example games/minetest_game/minetest.conf

Ouvrir :


Chercher :

#creative_mode = false

Remplacer par :

creative_mode = true
secure.enable_security = false
secure.trusted_mods = raspberryjammod

Ouvrir :


Chercher :

if minetest.request_insecure_environment then
   ie = minetest.request_insecure_environment()
   ie = _G

Remplacer par :

ie = _G

5/ Activation du mod dans le client Minetest.

En 'Singleplayer', créer un monde 'plat',nommé 'plat', via le générateur de monde 'flat'.
[Configurer] ce monde en activant le mod 'raspberryjammod'.

6/ Créer un script de création de block.

Ouvrir :


ajouter :

#!/usr/bin/env python

import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
import server
import math

# Connect to the Minecraft server
world = minecraft.Minecraft.create(server.address)

# Get the player's current position and store the coordinates
[x,y,z] = world.player.getPos()

# Set some variables to customize your pillar
height = 3 
material = block.BRICK_BLOCK

# Build the pillar. It will be "height" blocks high and located one step away from the player.
for level in range(0, height):
    world.setBlock( x+1, y+level, z+1, material )
    level = level + 1;


pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/mods/raspberryjammod/mcpipy $ chmod +x 

7/ Lancer le serveur Minetest.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/bin $ ./minetestserver 

8/ Lancer le client Minetest.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/bin $ ./minetest

Se connecter au serveur Minetest.

9/ Lancer le script Python.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/minetest/mods/raspberryjammod/mcpipy $ ./ 

Avant :


Après l'exécution du script :


III/ Installation de Blocky.

1/ Installation du serveur web Apache.

pi@doomquake:~ $ sudo apt-get install apache2
pi@doomquake:~ $ cd JEUX/MINETEST.415/
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ 

2/ Téléchargement de Google Closure Library de décembre 2016.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ wget
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ tar xvfz v20161201.tar.gz 
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ mv closure-library-20161201/ closure-library

4/ Téléchargement de Blocky pour Minecraft.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ wget
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415 $ cd blockly-minecraft-master/
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/blockly-minecraft-master $ 

5/ Compilation.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/blockly-minecraft-master $ ./
SUCCESS: msg/js/tr.js
SUCCESS: msg/js/de.js
SUCCESS: msg/js/sc.js
Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "./", line 162, in run
  File "./", line 193, in gen_core
    self.do_compile(params, target_filename, filenames, "")
  File "./", line 258, in do_compile
    json_data = json.loads(json_str)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 338, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 366, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 384, in raw_decode
    raise ValueError("No JSON object could be decoded")
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded

SUCCESS: blockly_uncompressed.js
pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/blockly-minecraft-master $ 

6/ Installation.

pi@doomquake:~/JEUX/MINETEST.415/blockly-minecraft-master $ cd /var/www/html/
pi@doomquake:/var/www/html $ 
pi@doomquake:/var/www/html $ sudo ln -s /home/pi/JEUX/MINETEST.415/blockly-minecraft-master/ blocky

7/ Sous le navigateur Chromium, lancement de Blockly :


